🪙YaYa Tokenomics
Token Information
Token Name : YaYa Coin
Symbol : YAYA
Standard : BEP-20
Network : Binance Smart Chain
Total Supply : 382,000,000,000,000
$YAYA Tokenomics
PreSale : 45%
Liquidity : 26.07%
CEX Listing : 10.93%
Staking : 9%
Play To Earn : 9%
Token Allocation
Tax Buy/Sell 3%
1% Marketing and BuyBack
Tax will be used for marketing campaigns to diffuse the project more to the community and bring more value to the $YAYA holding community.
We will use taxes to buy back $YAYA and burn them once a month. This will reduce the total supply of $YAYA increasing the value of $YAYA x1000000.
1% Holder NFT YaYa
Users who hold YaYa NFTs will share in rewards from Tax $YAYA Coin. 1% Tax will be distributed to all users holding NFTs. Rewards will be distributed on the 5th of each month.
YaYa - Gluttony (R1) : Receive 20% of total taxes and fees.
YaYa - Adventurous (R2) : Receive 30% of total taxes and fees.
YaYa - Wealthy (R3) : Receive 50% of total taxes and fees.
A small portion will be sent to zoos in China to support panda conservation and support animal protection organizations.
1% Development
1% Tax will be used to develop YaYa Marketplace as well as YaYa games.
We will use part of it to deploy a larger project and build a YaYa ecosystem
Last updated